Monday, January 31, 2011

Napak Tilas

iseng-iseng browsing gue nemu sandal ini

i think it's so unique and etnic, oyaa ini buatan dalam negeri lho..

a beautiful rainbow


attractively packaged

i'd rather buy one of this napak tilasn Green Tosca

Napak Tilas sandal ini di bandrol dengan harga Rp. 180.000 s/d Rp. 225.000
I think this is quite expensive compared by the other cassual sandals. tapi unik sih, jadi kalo ada budget kenapa nggak haha

I am agree with this words

"It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone"

isn't right?? 

She prefer to keep it quite. Even to him

Now she's tweeting in her blackberry. flashing a smile once in a while. she pressed button "go to users" and typing his name. she read some pages of his profile and she guess the boy is in love again. after he had the pain caused by a girl who gave much attention to him. 

she knows everytime he fell in love and had the pain. eventhough he never told her. she's happy for him. it hurt to know he's in love with the other girl. but she set it aside. and she's happy for him no matter what. she knows he has something going on with one of the girls in his past. but she don't know exactly.  

i cant lie that i haven't thinking about you, although i've been doing so good on it. i now know how not to fly. because i never knew whats going to happen next. a few moths ago i thought it was our end. but who'd have known i still cant forget you eventhough we've been in the different places now.

yeah i love you, but i guess i just want you to be my bestfriend. like your friends close to me. hey isn't easy? ya, i think.

Let me inroduce my self

finally, i've got this blog woohoo hehehe. hello hello saya Septi Maulana. saya anak pertama dari dua bersaudara. saya suka olahraga dan musik (eventhough saya cuma bisa dribble bola basket, renang tapi ditempat yang nggak terlalu dalam, dan sedikit mengerti tentang permainan bola hehehe). jfyi udah cukup lama saya coba untuk membuat blog. tapi karena saya sangat tidak serius, baru malam ini saya realisasikan berkat bantuan dua sobi saya Dani Fardhian dan Eno Bening Swara, thaaaaanks :)

oh iya sedikit lagi tentang diri saya, saya seorang yang pelupa dan males banget bales sms hehe. saat ini saya adalah seorang mahasiswi semester 2 Program Vokasi Pariwisata Universitas Indonesia.saya sangat tertarik dengan sumber daya (alam dan budaya) yang ada di Indonesia. Sesuai dengan slogan yang ada di kaos jurusan saya Indonesia : know it, Love it

cukup perkenalannya, maaf ya kalo ngga penting hehe. so, why not just enjoy it fo a while?? :)