Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kamar Baruuuu :D (sementara lhooo)

ini dia kamar sementara yang akan gue,suci dan agi tempatin untuk sebulan kedepan. hmmmmg semoga semuanya baik, berjalan dengan lancar, aman dan nyaman. semoga kerjaan kita juga dapat terselesaikan dengan baik, menyenangkan dan sukses. amiiin.

Bismillahirohmanirohim :D

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dreaming The Future

may still not know what i want to be when i grow up, but i do know that someday i want to live in a house filled with my books and travel souvenirs. and the walls that aren’t covered in bookshelves will be covered with photos of my family and friends. when i leave the house i will be going to a job i love, and i’ll return to a person i love. so, that’s the dream i’m working on.

*InsyaAllah Amiiin *